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APF Signed Agreement with AET at the Press in Asuncion on 2 Nov,2010


Growing support for Paraguay National Football Team

Paraguayan Football Association (APF) finalized yesterday the welcoming ceremony for AET as a new sponsor for the National football team. 
The event was held at the Sheraton Hotel in Asuncion, with the presence of Juan Angel Napout, president of the APF; Wallace Cheung, President of AET, and other national authorities and leaders of the executive committee of the APF.

About qualifiers for Brazil 2014

After the press conference, Juan Angel Napout referred to quotas in South America, currently 4.5, for the 2014 World Cup, and said: "What we ask is to respect what has been observed in South Africa, (not places to reduce the continents organizers). " FIFA President joseph Blatter said he would not reduce the quotas for the next World Cup, to be played in Brazil in 2014.

"South America teams played very good in South Africa World Cup. Five participants all entered the second round. It's a great fact, the results speak for themselves, "he said.

New light for the Asuncion Stadium

The $ 400,000 given to FIFA APF, will go to the renewal of the lighting system of the Defensores del Chaco stadium, in Asuncion.

The president of the APF, Juan Angel Napout, said he will call a tender, and not anticipate when will be the beginning of the work. Hopefully will finish in October 2011, ready when the playoffs begin. Referring to an eventual "ultimate elimination" under his presidency, Napout said: "It would be my fifth round. We'll see what the leaders say. "

The first friendly match sponsored by AET will be against Hong Kong on 17th, And other matches in 2011 are in negotiations.

"Tata" lead the team

Gerardo "Tata" Martino achieved a record with the national football team as coach. The game in Nov. 17th at the Hong Kong Statium will be his 58th times of "Tata" to lead the Paraguay national team; and will beat Aurelio Gonzalez' record. Martino attended the press conference for the signing of the contract between APF and AET, but refused to give statements. The list of players for the friendly event against Hong Kong will be announced next Tuesday at the news conference.

Source from http://www.abc.com.py/nota/crece-respaldo-a-la-albirroja/